As every photographer knows it's always about the light. This is a random collection of unexpected images and occasional thoughts sprinkled in for good measure.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
My mother likes to remind me that I was born in the dog days of summer, maybe that explains why it is my favorite season. Sunflowers are synonymous with summer and usually reach their full glory in mid-August right around my birthday. No wonder they are my favorite flower. Today I went to the farm to get some fresh local produce and a field of sunflowers greeted me. I watched them blow in the breeze some still in full bloom facing the sun and some past their prime heads down facing the earth. Sunflowers are such happy flowers, they always make me smile. But today as I watched them and thought about summer's end I felt very sad.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A lazy Saturday morning... slippers, coffee, the papers and just lounging around. I almost never get a morning like this... but when it does happen it is so, so sweet. I was sipping coffee and looked down to see the burgundy slippers and the colors in the rug. I just liked the composition and the interplay of the colors. Okay... feet two days in a row, I promise...none tomorrow!
Friday, August 29, 2008
It's hard to believe that this is Labor Day weekend and that summer is coming to an end. Instinctively I want to hold on tighter when I am threatened with the loss of something. I want to get as much as I can before it is gone. The end of summer always makes me sad. I know one day I will live in the land of sun, where the weather is never too cold and the beach is not that far. A place where I won't have to shovel snow or wear a parka. The sunshine state is calling me... soon.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Today Slugger's dietary restrictions were lifted so he could celebrate his birthday. Besides a bumper crop of treats, he had one of his favorite things, Haagen Dazs raspberry sorbet. Of course we sang happy birthday, he made a wish and yes with a little help he blew out his candle. Happy 7th birthday Slugger. I am so grateful that he isn't spoiled. :-)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I replaced the front door on my home a few years ago. I never liked the original front door and replaced it with an American Arts & Crafts style door. I love the leaded glass panels in the top of the door, the symmetry of their strong graphic style. Today I took a real close look at a portion of one of the three identical panels and loved the dimension and detail in the glass. Maybe what I really love is that this is the last door I have to walk through before I am home.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I am not a morning person but I have come to appreciate morning glories. These flowers which grow on a climbing vine typically last for a single morning and die in the afternoon. New flowers bloom on the vine each day. For years I have tried to pull morning glory vines from my garden. They climb on my other plants and twist around my shrubs, yet no matter how many times I pull them out they return. Today as the sun was setting I saw this lone morning glory which was climbing on my butterfly bush still open. Usually by the early evening the blooms have closed and the flower has begun to die. So I wondered if this bloom would see two mornings? I suppose if I knew that I didn't have the night ahead of me I would embrace the morning and get a whole lot more done.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I was in college when the World Trade Center's observation deck opened. I remember I couldn't wait for spring break so that I could go to the observation deck and take some "bird's eye view" photos. This photo was taken a few months ago from the observation deck of the Empire State Building. I was born and raised just outside of Manhattan, but I had never been up there. So on a whim one weekend I decided to try my luck at some more "bird's eye view" pictures. I liked this one because I got the bird and the view.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Although I don't like the thought of it chilly days are coming. In the evening, just before I head upstairs to wind down I usually go out to see my outside kitties. The past few nights I have found Pistachio in his "house" all curled up. He burrows into the old sweatshirts and towels that I have placed inside to keep him warm. For the entire summer he hasn't been in his house, so I know he too is feeling the cooler evenings. I'll know winter is coming when I see Hazel sleeping in P's house too.
Friday, August 22, 2008
One of the blessings of a summer birthday is being able to spend it at the beach. My cousin has said that as far as the weather goes, my birthday is always one of the ten best days of the summer. Today was no different. The only difference is that my knee was not up to a day at the beach. So, I decided the boardwalk was safe and about as close as I could get to the beach. I did some walking, good therapy and there were plenty of benches along the way. I did admire the umbrellas that dotted the white sand and made a wish for next year.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Last week I came across this old Crosley radio that dates to 1951. I love its form and when I plugged it in it worked! The only thing missing is the pointer on the dial. In the world of ebay this 57 year old radio would be called vintage. I usually think about vintages when I buy wine. I will be 53 in a couple of days... I guess that makes me vintage too. Here's to all things that hail from the 1950s, they may have a few broken parts but they still work.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Out in the garden today I noticed how the sunflowers I love drop their heads and face the earth as they start to die. There is something wonderful about the back of their head the geometry of it is striking. So as I studied the backs of things today I decided to move forward with my blog. It's a good visual exercise and requires a certain discipline. Discipline doesn't come easily to me. Most of all, Looking for Light has helped me to see many things in a different light.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Today was like most other days, Slugger spent the better part of it sleeping. In my next life (if there is one) I would like to return as a pampered indoor cat. Sleeping is something I don't do enough of. I'm still not sure about blogging, but I am going to sleep on it. I'll decide tomorrow. As Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day".
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I thought a lot today about why I do this. At first it was the challenge... to make a different image daily. I thought it was a good exercise to keep me fresh, as well as an outlet for homeless images. A reason to take pictures that I would otherwise not take. I promised myself I would do this for a year. But that was before the flurry of people downloading my pictures without even asking. Because of that I have become disenchanted with blogging. Today I have gone back and forth about whether to continue Looking for Light. I haven't arrived at a verdict yet, so I am posting this picture that I shot months ago in Florida of me cooling my heels. I don't know if I will post again but I will always be looking for light in my life.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A very good friend of mine warned me. She told me "Be careful what you post...because it is public and it is out there". I never thought that someone would start downloading my photos without asking me. In the past five days five of my images have been downloaded... even a picture of my Mom which kind of scares me. It has also kind of soured me on blogging. If you want to download or use a photo of mine please have the decency to email me...just ask... it is that simple. Please don't take my work without asking first. My work can't be downloaded, stored or used without permission. All my work (words and pictures) are subject to US and international copyright laws. For those of you in the should know better. Its simple to email me and ask. AND YOU ALL KNOW IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Physical therapy has made me very aware of movement, not only how I move, but how people and things can move efficiently. My steps are more economical and deliberate. I am trying to exercise and stretch my body to prevent further injury and to protect myself. I have always been fascinated by tai chi and enjoyed watching this woman practice it. My recovery has taken longer than I anticipated and my focus now is on getting well and staying well. Yoga and tai chi may be in my future.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
As I was heading home late this afternoon the heavens opened. I haven't seen such torrential rain in a long time. Even with the wipers working at top speed visibility was terrible. But the rain racing down the windshield created a kind of impressionistic feel to the street. I liked the spots of color and the sense of movement. The driving conditions were abysmal but from inside the car it all looked a little like a pun intended!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Is this a face that only a mother can love? I just loved this bulldog's expression, especially as an ad for pet containment. Of course when I read "pet containment" I thought of my two outdoor cats and wondered if I should investigate this given my neighbor's threats to trap them. But containment just doesn't have a nice ring to it. Animals like to roam, cats are curious by nature and what about free will? A containment system? Pistachio and Hazel would be miserable. Might as well have a goldfish in a bowl. Does anyone or anything really want to be contained? The restrictions my knee surgery has created is containment enough for me. No pet containment here. I'm going with freedom and free will.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Today was a day many of the residents in my small community of sixty one homes dreaded. Today the very controversial stop signs were installed. My home is on a corner and that intersection now has a three way stop. So one stop sign is on my corner and the one pictured here is in front of my neighbor's home, but I can see it as I sit at the desk in my home office and look out the window. I felt the stop signs were really unnecessary. Our community has one way in and one way out. There are only five roads. There is very little traffic because unless you live in here or are visiting someone there is no reason to come here. The stop signs were installed because a few new residents felt they made things safer. When I saw them being installed I felt sad and as though it was the end of an era. The bucolic suburban landscape now has a little more urban flavor. As I look past my computer screen and out the window I see the big, bright red stop sign. Somehow it is easier to stomach if I believe the sign is telling me to stop working so late. When to stop and when to go. I've been thinking about moving a lot lately.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
After dinner tonight we got out the Scrabble board for another match. Of course, Momma the word smith was playing for blood. I watch her intensity and the relentless way she moves the tiles around on her tray, looking for another point or a better word. She is a fierce competitor. Tonight I realized that my competitive spirit comes from her. At an early age I was taught not to give up, to persevere and to do my best. She taught me to compete, but to be most competitive with myself. It is simply in the genes.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The decision as I leave the house each day is what cap to wear. This decision never involves a team choice, New York Yankees only please! Okay I confess one St. Louis Cardinals cap worn when the Mets played the Cardinals in the playoffs. It's a long story. There is also a New York Jets cap..but that's a different sport. Most of the other caps are all Sarasota, Florida related. The Yankees and Sarasota two things very dear to my heart. And caps? I don't leave home without one.
Friday, August 8, 2008
The weather today was crazy. One moment the skies were dark and foreboding, punctuated by thunder and heavy downpours. Moments later the sun was out. Funny the weather mirrored my mood today. I was depressed because at physical therapy my knee began to swell considerably and my therapist thought it best to have me do very light activity--no treadmill at all. Tonight as this plane passed through the clouds I took heart. The clouds will pass and blue skies will return.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Besides looking for light I am always looking for different angles. One of the things I like about this gym is that it is open and when you come in on the ground level you can look down through a circular opening at the treadmills on the lower level. I give them a quick scan and settle on the one I will use. Part of my physical therapy is to walk backwards on the about angles and seeing things differently. The idea is that it helps to fully extend the leg. This "retro-treadmill" work is no small feat and is very disorienting. But it underscores the importance of angles, not only in photography but in every aspect of life it is important to see all sides.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I couldn't help it I was out marveling at the "from the birds" sunflowers again today. I'm not alone in my fascination with them. There were about a dozen bumble bees hard at work gathering pollen form them this evening. The bees worked tirelessly and I now have a much clearer understanding of the term "worker bee" and its genesis. I always get a lot of joy watching the little seedlings that I plant grow and flourish, or seeing a perennial I have planted return the following season. I can't get over how happy these accidental sunflowers make me. They are special!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I am still amazed by the large clump of sunflowers growing in my yard thanks to the seeds serendipitously dropped by the birds who frequent my feeders. These unexpected beauties are a real gift since my gardening efforts were quite limited and really short-circuited by my knee problems. I like to think that the birds sent me a get well bouquet! The sunflowers are beginning to open. I love the geometry of their unfolding the green triangular tips of their leaves and the symmetry of their lovely yellow pointed petals. I love the mystery of it all, the way they got here, the way they open and then wondering what their faces will be! This unexpected gift from nature amazes me and I am so grateful. But sometimes I think this wasn't an accident at all.
Monday, August 4, 2008
As the sun began to sink this evening my eyes scanned my yard for a photo. I was walking my Mom to her car and both of us noticed the way the light was hitting the fence near my driveway. The iris, day lilies and rose bush that bloom in front of the fence are survivors. Faithfully they bloom every year despite the fact that this is part of my yard is terribly neglected. It is a small spot that I just never seem to get to. Actually, I have always hated the scraggly rose bush that grows here. Countless times I have cut it down to nothing and yet it comes back. Tonight, the lone rose that blooms on the bush I have tried to eliminate from my garden is the dot of color that brings this picture to life. I almost feel as thought the rose bush was speaking to me.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
As we waited for dinner to be served my eye was drawn to the composition of this image. I just liked the juxtaposition of the water glasses and the sense of depth they created as well as the halo of light behind Laurel's head. I also liked the highlights on the water glass in the foreground. Most of all I liked the moment it captured.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Tonight as I was sitting on the couch with my laptop a friend remarked on the glow of the computer screen reflected in my glasses. I decided it was worth a look and took a picture with the camera in the laptop! I was pretty impressed with the quality of the image, but a little scared by the wear and tear I see on the subject.
Friday, August 1, 2008
After three and a half hours in physical therapy today I decided to try to walk a little on the street in front of my house. I had to know if I was making any progress. I wanted to know just how far I could get without experiencing major pain and without limping. This is the view my foot had of the test run. By the way, I didn't make it too far...just the other side of the intersection. I'm getting discouraged.
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