Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Designers and art directors I have worked with taught me to eschew an even number of elements in an image. I find myself trying to work with three elements or five--odd numbers. For some reason I felt that two elements just didn't create interest or have balance. Today looking out my window I saw these two Monarch butterfly friends having a late lunch. I got to thinking about numbers, specifically even numbers. I was born on the twenty second (two twos) day of an even month. I like the number two, it's a couple. It's not as lonely as one and we all know that three can be a third wheel! And you know, I like the balance of the two butterflies on this bush. I think I will start working with two more often. Time to rethink design!


Blissville said...

Yes, it's gorgeous! And to think, they will fly down to Mexico, bear new butterflies and fly north and die. And the new ones, without even knowing how, will find their way south to Mexico, to the same forest in the province of Michoacan, above the tiny village of Angangejo. As for odds and evens (surely you played that game!), what about symetry and the whole epoch of Minimalism? All based on evens. I'm a fan.

Unknown said...

Hey, Aud, I really love this photo. It's beautiful, simple, and since it's not often we catch moments like these, it feels like I'm being given a special viewing of something secret.