Friday, September 19, 2008


When the new automatic timed food dispenser went into place today Slugger looked very unhappy. In the past we have left him with a gravity food dispenser that allowed him to eat as much as he wanted. In keeping with his diet we bought the high tech dispenser which can be programmed for a precise feeding time and the amount of food to be released into his dish. Not so fast... the noise of the food dropping into the dish scared him and he is having a hard time warming up to his automat. It could be a rough week for Slugger. I bet he looks thinner when we get back!


Unknown said...

I love it! Love to you both--have a good time.

TurtleBarbara said...

I've got to give credit to poor Slugger -- not sure I'd be able to handle a "timed" feeding machine !
Sure, I'd get used to the noise, and so will he. (But I'd figure a way to break in........will he ?) Cool pix of his body language .. thanx Aud for sharing. Love ya, Boca